Mauritius C. M. (Richard) van de Sanden Plasma Enhanced Atomic Layer Deposition Film Publications

Your search for plasma enhanced atomic layer deposition publications authored by Mauritius C. M. (Richard) van de Sanden returned 48 record(s). If there are too many results, you may want to use the multi-factor search to narrow the results.

1In situ spectroscopic ellipsometry during atomic layer deposition of Pt, Ru and Pd
2Ultralow surface recombination of c-Si substrates passivated by plasma-assisted atomic layer deposited Al2O3
3Low Temperature Plasma-Enhanced Atomic Layer Deposition of Metal Oxide Thin Films
4Reaction mechanisms during plasma-assisted atomic layer deposition of metal oxides: A case study for Al2O3
5Excellent Si surface passivation by low temperature SiO2 using an ultrathin Al2O3 capping film
6Hydrogen induced passivation of Si interfaces by Al2O3 films and SiO2/Al2O3 stacks
7Synergy Between Plasma-Assisted ALD and Roll-to-Roll Atmospheric Pressure PE-CVD Processing of Moisture Barrier Films on Polymers
8Deposition of TiN and HfO2 in a commercial 200 mm remote plasma atomic layer deposition reactor
9Controlling the fixed charge and passivation properties of Si(100)/Al2O3 interfaces using ultrathin SiO2 interlayers synthesized by atomic layer deposition
10Reaction mechanisms of atomic layer deposition of TaNx from Ta(NMe2)5 precursor and H2-based plasmas
11Influence of the Deposition Temperature on the c-Si Surface Passivation by Al2O3 Films Synthesized by ALD and PECVD
12Influence of the Oxidant on the Chemical and Field-Effect Passivation of Si by ALD Al2O3
13Enhancing the Wettability of High Aspect-Ratio Through-Silicon Vias Lined With LPCVD Silicon Nitride or PE-ALD Titanium Nitride for Void-Free Bottom-Up Copper Electroplating
14Remote Plasma Atomic Layer Deposition of Co3O4 Thin Films
15Low-Temperature Deposition of TiN by Plasma-Assisted Atomic Layer Deposition
16Plasma-assisted atomic layer deposition of TiN films at low deposition temperature for high-aspect ratio applications
17Plasma-Enhanced ALD of TiO2 Using a Novel Cyclopentadienyl Alkylamido Precursor [Ti(CpMe)(NMe2)3] and O2 Plasma
18Influence of annealing and Al2O3 properties on the hydrogen-induced passivation of the Si/SiO2 interface
19Dielectric Properties of Thermal and Plasma-Assisted Atomic Layer Deposited Al2O3 Thin Films
20The Influence of Ions and Photons during Plasma-Assisted ALD of Metal Oxides
21Plasma-Assisted Atomic Layer Deposition of Low Temperature SiO2
22Surface chemistry of plasma-assisted atomic layer deposition of Al2O3 studied by infrared spectroscopy
23In situ spectroscopic ellipsometry study on the growth of ultrathin TiN films by plasma-assisted atomic layer deposition
24Electrochemical Activation of Atomic Layer-Deposited Cobalt Phosphate Electrocatalysts for Water Oxidation
25Plasma-assisted atomic layer deposition of TiN/Al2O3 stacks for metal-oxide-semiconductor capacitor applications
26Atomic layer deposition of Ru from CpRu(CO)2Et using O2 gas and O2 plasma
27Surface passivation of phosphorus-diffused n+-type emitters by plasma-assisted atomic-layer deposited Al2O3
28Surface reactions during atomic layer deposition of Pt derived from gas phase infrared spectroscopy
29Substrate-biasing during plasma-assisted atomic layer deposition to tailor metal-oxide thin film growth
30Remote Plasma Atomic Layer Deposition of Co3O4 Thin Film
31Plasma-assisted atomic layer deposition of TiN monitored by in situ spectroscopic ellipsometry
32Atomic layer deposition of cobalt phosphate thin films for the oxygen evolution reaction
33Co3O4 as Anode Material for Thin Film µBatteries prepared by Remote Plasma Atomic Layer Deposition
34Remote Plasma ALD of Platinum and Platinum Oxide Films
35Synthesis and in situ characterization of low-resistivity TaNx films by remote plasma atomic layer deposition
36Silicon surface passivation by ultrathin Al2O3 films synthesized by thermal and plasma atomic layer deposition
37Stability of Al2O3 and Al2O3/a-Six:H stacks for surface passivation of crystalline silicon
38Substrate Biasing during Plasma-Assisted ALD for Crystalline Phase-Control of TiO2 Thin Films
39Ion and Photon Surface Interaction during Remote Plasma ALD of Metal Oxides
40Role of field-effect on c-Si surface passivation by ultrathin (2-20 nm) atomic layer deposited Al2O3
41Remote Plasma and Thermal ALD of Platinum and Platinum Oxide Films
42Plasma-assisted atomic layer deposition of Al2O3 moisture permeation barriers on polymers
43Optical emission spectroscopy as a tool for studying, optimizing, and monitoring plasma-assisted atomic layer deposition processes
44Plasma and Thermal ALD of Al2O3 in a Commercial 200mm ALD Reactor
45Remote Plasma ALD of SrTiO3 Using Cyclopentadienlyl-Based Ti and Sr Precursors
46Optical properties of Y2O3 thin films doped with spatially controlled Er3+ by atomic layer deposition
47Plasma-assisted atomic layer deposition of Ta2O5 from alkylamide precursor and remote O2 plasma
48In situ reaction mechanism studies of plasma-assisted atomic layer deposition of Al2O3