Surface Recombination Velocity Plasma Enhanced Atomic Layer Deposition Publications

Your search for plasma enhanced atomic layer deposition publications discussing Surface Recombination Velocity returned 20 record(s). If there are too many results, you may want to use the multi-factor search to narrow the results.

1Silicon surface passivation by ultrathin Al2O3 films and Al2O3/SiNx stacks
2Role of field-effect on c-Si surface passivation by ultrathin (2-20 nm) atomic layer deposited Al2O3
3Plasma assisted atomic layer deposited hafnium oxide films for silicon surface passivation
4Excellent surface passivation of crystalline silicon by ternary AlxMg1-xOy thin films
5Silicon surface passivation by ultrathin Al2O3 films synthesized by thermal and plasma atomic layer deposition
6Passivation effects of atomic-layer-deposited aluminum oxide
7Simulation and Fabrication of HfO2 Thin Films Passivating Si from a Numerical Computer and Remote Plasma ALD
8Controlling the fixed charge and passivation properties of Si(100)/Al2O3 interfaces using ultrathin SiO2 interlayers synthesized by atomic layer deposition
9Ultralow surface recombination of c-Si substrates passivated by plasma-assisted atomic layer deposited Al2O3
10Stability of Al2O3 and Al2O3/a-Six:H stacks for surface passivation of crystalline silicon
11Plasma-Assisted ALD for the Conformal Deposition of SiO2: Process, Material and Electronic Properties
12Investigation of Atomic Layer Deposition Al2O3 Passivation for Screen-Printed Large-Area Solar Cells
13Influence of the Deposition Temperature on the c-Si Surface Passivation by Al2O3 Films Synthesized by ALD and PECVD
14Plasma enhanced atomic layer deposition of gallium oxide on crystalline silicon: demonstration of surface passivation and negative interfacial charge
15Industrially relevant Al2O3 deposition techniques for the surface passivation of Si solar cells
16Investigation of field-effect passivation and interface state parameters at the Al2O3/Si interface
17Improved understanding of recombination at the Si/Al2O3 interface
18Excellent Si surface passivation by low temperature SiO2 using an ultrathin Al2O3 capping film
19Hydrogen induced passivation of Si interfaces by Al2O3 films and SiO2/Al2O3 stacks
20Influence of the Oxidant on the Chemical and Field-Effect Passivation of Si by ALD Al2O3